Monday, July 25, 2005
Elsewhere Today
How about a quick whirl around the net this morning.
- MAN has a special weekend scoop: it does pay to work for a nonprofit.
- If you get a call from The Daily Show asking you to appear in a segment, just say "no." You will look bad. And it may cost you your job (via and others).
- Don't miss your chance to pick up official Keith Haring schwag at the Pop Shop before the doors close in six weeks. Inventory is slim. On Saturday the kid took home one of the last pink radiant baby t-shirts and what I think could have been the last two bibs--one with a radiant baby, the other with a barking dog. One is going as a gift to a critic-friend who wrote about the Pop Shop recently and is having a baby next month. (I'm betting here that she doesn't read the blog.)
- Speaking of schwag, here's my favorite piece ever.
- Happy anniversary to Modern Kicks. And don't sweat it. Everyone's traffic is down in June and July.
- Greg shakes, rattles, and rolls in Tokyo.
- Have you ever noticed that the only time Charlie Finch has nice things to say is when he's writing about young women artists who either take their own clothes off or have other young women doff theirs? He couldn't really be that transparent, could he? (Update: João Ribas searches the Artnet archives and collects all the evidence required for an indictment. Update 2: This topic has started its own discussion thread.)